I took a cue from Sam's "Prototype.BrowserFeatures" object.

I am not against adding to the namespaces, but I want to make sure it's
done judiciously and carefully.  Note that typng
"Prototype.Browser.KHTML" is still easier than typing
"navigator.userAgent.test(/KHTML/)".  And while I don't think that
browser detection is something we should shy away from lest we
encourage bad coding practice... well, I don't think we should be
giving it first-class treatment either.  Putting it inside the
"Prototype" object sends the message that it's for Prototype's internal
use and isn't *necessarily* meant for public consumption.


On Jan 19, 4:31 am, Thomas Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I like the overall implementation, but find writing "Prototype.Browser.KHTML" a bit verbose.
Personally, in some scripts i've used something like:

if (Engine.isKHTML) ...

The patch even has a var B = Prototype.Browser; line.

Thoughts on this? It's more like a general issue if we like to have more namespaces or stick to what we have.

In general it might also be worthy to investigate some more $something shortcuts, maybe not for the browser detection, but based on some analysis of existing code you guys use (that is, often-called methods that could use a shortcut).


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