hello all the guys from the prototype core.

I really adore what you're doing. it changed the way I was programming
javascript for a while. anyway I have some features that will please
me if they are incorporated in the prototype.js file.

the first is the ability to dynamically load javascript and css into
the page. i was looking for a solution a i used script from the google
web toolkit, and a few days ago, while inspecting the code of
mootools.js (http://mad4milk.net, an MIT-licence library, i saw a
class implementing these fonctionnalities.
here is the code:

Script: Assets.js
        provides dynamic loading for images, css and javascript files.

        MIT-style license.

var Asset = new Abstract({

        Property: javascript
                Injects a javascript file in the page.

                source - the path of the javascript file
                properties - some additional attributes you might want to add 
to the
script element

                > new Asset.javascript('/scripts/myScript.js', {id: 

        javascript: function(source, properties){
                properties = $merge({
                        'onload': Class.empty
                }, properties);
                var script = new Element('script', {'src': source}).addEvents({
                        'load': properties.onload,
                        'readystatechange': function(){
                                if (this.readyState == 'complete') 
                delete properties.onload;
                return script.setProperties(properties).inject(document.head);

        Property: css
                Injects a css file in the page.

                source - the path of the css file
                properties - some additional attributes you might want to add 
to the
link element

                > new Asset.css('/css/myStyle.css', {id: 'myStyle', title:

        css: function(source, properties){
                return new Element('link', $merge({
                        'rel': 'stylesheet', 'media': 'screen', 'type': 
'text/css', 'href':
                }, properties)).inject(document.head);

        Property: image
                Preloads an image and returns the img element. does not inject 
it to
the page.

                source - the path of the image file
                properties - some additional attributes you might want to add 
to the
img element

                > new Asset.image('/images/myImage.png', {id: 'myImage', title:
'myImage', onload: myFunction});

                the img element. you can inject it anywhere you want with

        image: function(source, properties){
                properties = $merge({
                        'onload': Class.empty,
                        'onabort': Class.empty,
                        'onerror': Class.empty
                }, properties);
                var image = new Image();
                image.src = source;
                var element = new Element('img', {'src': source});
                ['load', 'abort', 'error'].each(function(type){
                        var event = properties['on' + type];
                        delete properties['on' + type];
                        element.addEvent(type, function(){
                                this.removeEvent(type, arguments.callee);
                if (image.width && image.height) element.fireEvent('load', 
                return element.setProperties(properties);

        Property: images
                Preloads an array of images (as strings) and returns an array 
of img
elements. does not inject them to the page.

                sources - array, the paths of the image files
                options - object, see below

                onComplete - a function to execute when all image files are 
in the browser's cache
                onProgress - a function to execute when one image file is 
loaded in
the browser's cache

                (start code)
                new Asset.images(['/images/myImage.png', 
'/images/myImage2.gif'], {
                        onComplete: function(){
                                alert('all images loaded!');

                the img elements as $$. you can inject them anywhere you want 

        images: function(sources, options){
                options = $merge({
                        onComplete: Class.empty,
                        onProgress: Class.empty
                }, options);
                if (!sources.push) sources = [sources];
                var images = [];
                var counter = 0;
                        var img = new Asset.image(source, {
                                'onload': function(){
                                        options.onProgress.call(this, counter);
                                        if (counter == sources.length) 
                return new Elements(images);

it is very easy to turn it into prototype based script.

another great functionnality will be the ability to inject javascript
code from an ajax request (not to evaluate it, but to create a
<script> element) in the head section. let me explain:
if you create a function in a script that is evaluated, using the
function will cause an error beacuse the funtion does not exists. but
injecting it in the head will make it visible and will no longer cause

the following code will not work

function multiply() { return arugments[1] * arguments[2]; }
alert(multiply(2, 3));

if you already load a function performing that injection, it will

injectScript('function multiply() { return arugments[1] *
arguments[2]; }');
alert(multiply(2, 3));

the other thing is the support for cookies (also provided by

the code from mootools

Class: Cookie
        Class for creating, getting, and removing cookies.

var Cookie = new Abstract({

        options: {
                domain: false,
                path: false,
                duration: false,
                secure: false

        Property: set
                Sets a cookie in the browser.

                key - the key (name) for the cookie
                value - the value to set, cannot contain semicolons
                options - an object representing the Cookie options. See Options
below. Default values are stored in Cookie.options.

                domain - the domain the Cookie belongs to. If you want to share 
cookie with pages located on a different domain, you have to set this
value. Defaults to the current domain.
                path - the path the Cookie belongs to. If you want to share the
cookie with pages located in a different path, you have to set this
value, for example to "/" to share the cookie with all pages on the
domain. Defaults to the current path.
                duration - the duration of the Cookie before it expires, in 
                                        If set to false or 0, the cookie will 
be a session cookie that
expires when the browser is closed. This is default.
                secure - Stored cookie information can be accessed only from a
secure environment.

                An object with the options, the key and the value. You can give 
as first parameter to Cookie.remove.

                >Cookie.set('username', 'Harald'); // session cookie (duration 
false), or ...
                >Cookie.set('username', 'JackBauer', {duration: 1}); // save 
for 1 day


        set: function(key, value, options){
                options = $merge(this.options, options);
                value = encodeURIComponent(value);
                if (options.domain) value += '; domain=' + options.domain;
                if (options.path) value += '; path=' + options.path;
                if (options.duration){
                        var date = new Date();
                        date.setTime(date.getTime() + options.duration * 24 * 
60 * 60 *
                        value += '; expires=' + date.toGMTString();
                if (options.secure) value += '; secure';
                document.cookie = key + '=' + value;
                return $extend(options, {'key': key, 'value': value});

        Property: get
                Gets the value of a cookie.

                key - the name of the cookie you wish to retrieve.

                The cookie string value, or false if not found.

                >Cookie.get("username") //returns JackBauer

        get: function(key){
                var value = document.cookie.match('(?:^|;)\\s*' + 
+ '=([^;]*)');
                return value ? decodeURIComponent(value[1]) : false;

        Property: remove
                Removes a cookie from the browser.

                cookie - the name of the cookie to remove or a previous cookie 
                options - optional. you can also pass the domain and path here. 
as options in <Cookie.set>

                >Cookie.remove('username') //bye-bye JackBauer, cya in 24 hours
                >var myCookie = Cookie.set('username', 'Aaron', {domain:
'mootools.net'}); // Cookie.set returns an object with all values need
to remove the cookie

        remove: function(cookie, options){
                if ($type(cookie) == 'object') this.set(cookie.key, '',
$merge(cookie, {duration: -1}));
                else this.set(cookie, '', $merge(options, {duration: -1}));


in the hope my request will have a positive response, i'll thank you
again for all the good job you're doing.
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