A good way would be to manage a config option that can desactivate Prototype's 
By default Prototype should work as it does actually so it is still compatible 
for thoose which already use Prototype and doesn't want to manage a 
configuration for it

Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:00:51 +0100
Subject: [Prototype-core] Re: Prototype and the global namespace
From: mislav.maroh...@gmail.com
To: prototype-core@googlegroups.com

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 02:52, Nick Stakenburg <nickstakenb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What's the big deal? Can anybody explain a concrete situation where you put 
> two libraries together and the browser goes up in flames? Has anybody really 
> got bitten by modules in the global namespace like Template or Hash?

Mootools shares many of Prototype's globals. There's not much fun in

porting Mootools code to Prototype or the other way around.
I get this, and I agree on namespacing globals - it isn't going to affect our 
workflow, we'll just copy stuff from Prototype to global namespace for legacy 
scripts. (There will probably be a compat.js script that does that when the 
release is ready.) 

What I want is the community's opinion on augmenting native prototypes: Number, 
Function, Event etc. Is it good/bad? Is this what makes you happy while writing 
code? Here's the thing:
Prototype and "LibraryA" can easily co-exist if LibraryA doesn't augment native 
prototypes;Prototype and "LibraryB" cannot co-exist if LibraryB augments native 
prototypes, too - high chances for name collisions.
So augmenting native prototypes is OK if you're the only library that does it. 
If there are others, the situation produces sad pandas.
Same problem with augmenting Object.prototype: we know that it hurts looping 
over properties, but suppose script writers got around looping problems -- what 
if everyone augmented Object.prototype? It would be a massive crash 'n' burn.

Object.prototype is verboten. Should we say that augmenting native prototypes 
is verboten, too?
If so, how should be re-brand the Prototype library? :)j/k

Thanks,# Mislav

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