Good thing he said "performant" then init !! :P

Alex Mcauley
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Diodeus" <>
To: "Prototype &" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:00 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Need help for performantly creating tooltips

"Performantly" isn't a word.

On Jul 21, 10:31 am, Chris <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> one of our clients has a very javascript heavy application for local
> intranets. On many pages of this application, there are tooltips that
> get loaded (usually up to 60 or 70), which make the application behave
> very slowly at some time or another (at least in good ole IE6, which
> we need to support). Currently we are using Prototip2 from nick
> stackenburg, but it seems that this seems overkill and isnt so
> performant at all.
> So, I want to start to build my own tooltip-functionality, which
> should be lightweight and does not need thousands of listeners, which
> also seems to make pages very slow.
> My question is: What is the best approach for this task? I am
> currently experimenting with event-bubbeling to only use one listener
> on this page, so I can create as many tooltips as i want without
> raising memory too much.
> This is what I have come up with in the last 20 minutes or so:
> /**
> * Creat tooltips for an array of objects
> * @param {Object} classes Classname of elements where the tooltips
> should be shown on
> * @param {Object} content_attribute The dom attribute of the element
> we should get the content from
> */
> var tt = Class.create({
> initialize: function(classes, content_attribute) {
> this.classes = classes;
> this.content_attribute = content_attribute;
> this.initListeners();
> },
> /**
> * Initialize the global listener
> */
> initListeners: function() {
> document.observe('mouseover', this.moverListener.bindAsEventListener
> (this));
> document.observe('mouseout', this.moutListener.bindAsEventListener
> (this));
> },
> moverListener: function(e) {
> elm = Event.findElement(e, '.' + this.classes);
> if(elm !== undefined) {
> this.showToolTip(elm)
> } else return;
> },
> moutListener: function(e) {
> elm = Event.findElement(e, '.' + this.classes);
> if(elm !== undefined) {
> this.hideTooltip(elm);
> }
> },
> showToolTip: function(elm) {
> console.log(elm + ' is shown')
> },
> hideTooltip: function(elm) {
> console.log(elm + ' is hidden')
> }
> };
> As I am quite experienced in prototype.js (well, at least I think I
> am...), but not in such things like performance tuning javascript and
> such stuff, I really would love to hear some feedback from you. Are
> there any other performance problems that this type of listener would
> force me in (dont know how fast findElement() is compared to a direct
> binding to the source element of a listener). do you think that this
> is maybe the wrong approach at all?
> The tooltips should go without great graphical stuff, the only thing I
> want to add are pointers in pure css, like those seen 
> on,
> to save some more bandswidth.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris

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