Hi T.J.

Really appreciate for your feedback.

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:31 PM, T.J. Crowder <t...@crowdersoftware.com>wrote:

> It's a cool idea. Some issues I ran into right away:
> * FF 3.6 reports that $(document).mousemove is not a function (which,
> to be fair, it isn't).
I can't address this actually. I open the demo page using FF3.6.2 without
any problem.

> * IE7 really, *really* freaks out.
It really does :( I need some time to figure it out.

> * The scrolldicators overlap the arrows on the scrollbar, meaning you
> can't click them (Chrome & FF).
This is fixed

> That's all I tried (didn't try IE8, Safari, etc.).
I tried on IE8. It works fine. No effort spent on Safari yet.

> -- T.J.

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