How did i manage to edit the topic subject? Wasn't intentional, since
this is OT from the user assistance intent...

On Mar 14, 9:46 pm, "joe t." <> wrote:
> Another anecdote along with Jane's... i make a lot of comparisons to
> jQuery as well because it's the only other library i've gotten
> familiar with.
> i still really like Prototype's robust set of utility & data storage
> functions. i get wary of storing data directly on elements
> [] and sometimes it's simply not appropriate to do so, so
> having Prototype's pseudo-class structure to drive the overall
> functionality of a page is very helpful, because i can create "class"
> members and manage data there, rather than in the HTML area of the
> DOM. Classes really helped me build complex JS applications when i was
> still brand new to application-style Javascript & AJAX.
> That said, Prototype is bloated, and doesn't play nice with others.
> Scriptaculous is old, just as bloated, and i think 1 or 2 lines of
> code have been updated in the last year, to provide Pt 1.7
> compatibility. Plus Scriptaculous doesn't provide an actual UI, just
> some enhanced visual effects & other tools. And you have to be careful
> of a lot of gotchas in those effects because Scriptaculous doesn't
> wrap your code into HTML & object references that it will need to make
> those effects work. jQuery's UI does that. One of the bigger
> advantages of Scriptaculous is Builder. i much prefer creating HTML
> through a node/tree structure than slapping an HTML string into an
> element. However, someone went and built a jQuery plugin to do what
> Builder does. /shrug
> i've noted elsewhere in this group that i don't like that there are
> several aliases for many of Prototype's functions, most of which are
> unnecessary Rails translations for otherwise sensible names. i get
> that it's supposed to help Rails devs use Prototype efficiently, so
> why not just keep only the Rails versions of functions and drop the
> aliases? jQuery tends to provide one way to do a lot of things.
> Prototype tends to provide a lot of ways to do one thing.
> i didn't like jQuery at first for all the reasons i stated above for
> liking Prototype. Once i got the hang of the major differences &
> slight syntax variations, i've found it to really save time in a lot
> of ways. Granted, i also haven't built any huge application-level code
> using jQuery yet, but i feel like i could now that i understand the
> inner workings better. Jane mentioned event handling. i can go either
> way with that. Prototype's Function#bind makes it easy to incorporate
> the Class object into an event handler, but you lose context of the
> element unless you use Event#findElement. And i really like Event#on,
> but haven't done any heavy lifting with Prototype since 1.7 was
> released. So jQuery's handlers work fine for me.
> i've also never developed with Rails, and maybe because of that i
> don't feel a particular loyalty. i want the right tool for the job at
> hand, and lately that has been jQuery. Especially the ease of using
> plugins for "missing" functionality, and the UI library which amazes
> me.
> But to address your actual question: Why has traffic died down in this
> group?
> My personal observation would be that jQuery has simply gained
> traction over the last couple years. Prototype... i don't know. Kinda
> feels stale, neglected, and maybe a bit stuck in its ways? It seems
> like there's a lot of push to make JS libraries cooperate with each
> other so you can get the best each has to offer, yet Prototype can't
> get itself away from modifying native objects, which forces everyone
> else to provide safety schemes to accommodate. Also, where most
> libraries provide compression-safe code, Prototype stays pretty rotund
> at ~160K. Add Scriptaculous and you can hit 1MB of library before you
> get to any of your own code.
> In spite of criticisms, i don't want this to feel like a slam against
> Prototype. Obviously i still get something out of it or i'd drop my
> subscription to the groups. But you ask why the traffic has slowed to
> a crawl, and that's my opinion: Prototype itself has also slowed down.
> Check the dev group if you don't believe me (
> group/prototype-core/topics?hl=en&gvc=2). Two legitimate threads with
> posts in 2011, and those being about bugs, not additional development.
> So there's my $0.02+... i feel your frustration, though.
> -joe t.
> On Mar 14, 1:53 pm, Walter Lee Davis <> wrote:
> > Sorry for the rant, but I came to Prototype by way of early  
> > exploration with Rails. I found Prototype approachable and learn-able  
> > in a way that I didn't (and don't) find jQuery to be.
> > I've invested years in learning Prototype and it has trained and  
> > patterned my JavaScript brain. I'm quite cheesed about the notion of  
> > having to learn another way to look at JavaScript.
> > At the same time, I can't help but notice the <crickets> around here  
> > lately. When I joined this list (back in the rails-spinoff days) there  
> > were dozens of posts per day, now we're lucky to get there in a week.
> > What the heck is going on here?
> > Walter

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