
Coméntoo porque cando fai a súa función entendo que baixará as rpm do disco en función da necesidade pero se fai falta despois de baixar tamén as subirá.

En 30/01/2013 14:18, Miguel Bouzada escribiu:
«spindown» e/ou «spin down»
Alguén ten unha alternativa mellor que «reducir|diminuir rotación» ?

Aínda que teño este caso en OpenMediaVault, isto é o mellor que atopei
para entender de que falamos


Spindown is a daemon that can spindown idle disks and so saving energy
and giving the disks a longer lifetime. It works by checking how many
blocks are read and written from the disks. When no blocks are read or
written the disk is idle. When a disk stays idle long enough spindown
uses sg_start to spin the disk down. It also works with usb disks and
hotswappable disks because it doesn't watch the device name (hda, sdb,
...), but the device id. This means that it doesn't matter if the disk
is swapped while the deamon is running.
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