First off: Like last week, we're meeting in FAB 155, not the CS
lounge/fishbowl. We're going to look into reserving FAB 86-01 for
future meetings, and we'll announce tonight if that worked out.

Last week Ben and I chatted about taking an hour of the regular
meetings to explore rocket physics and, at his request, "geometry"
topics---first up, quaternions. So let's try that tonight.

During tonight's regular weekly meeting, from 8pm to 9pm anyone who's
interested is invited to chat about rocket physics: how physicists
model the forces on a rocket in the abstract, and how a practical
computer model of those forces should work.

I took some time last week to wrap my head around quaternions so I'm
prepared to discuss what they are, why you want to use them in
practical physics models, and how the important operations on them

If we have time, I'd like to follow that up with discussion of how to
implement forces that cause rotation in rockets. Several people in
PSAS have been trying to explain this stuff to me over a period of
years and I'm hoping to get some of it to stick, preferably in the
form of executable code.

See you tonight!


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