Hi Donald,

One particular concern is for some Slavic languages and counts. If any of your 
messages has a specific number of things, you need to know what that number is 
to have a correct sentence (e.g. saying “I am 34 years old” and “I am 35 years 
old” has a different grammatical structure; notably, you need to know what the 
number is to know how to spell “years”.). I believe this is currently a 
limitation of gettext, but I also know that in many languages gettext is 
actually gettext + FEATURES, and it’s not clear to me if Python’s gettext 
solves this problem.


> On Jan 26, 2016, at 2:22 PM, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
> Hello!
> It was suggested to me that it would be a good idea for me to throw my net 
> wider, so I’m posting this here in the hopes that someone experienced with 
> translations, programming as a non-native English speaker, and ideally 
> teaching non-native English students/children/new people how to program can 
> chime in and help us.
> Essentially, we’re trying to make decisions about translations, what to 
> support and how to support it on a project called Warehouse (which will 
> become PyPI 2.0 once it’s ready). One of the things that we’ve tried to do is 
> setup the ground work for (after we’ve launched it as pypi.python.org) we can 
> start having people come in and translate the UI to try and be more welcoming 
> to folks who either are not native English speakers, or may not speak English 
> at all.
> Sadly, I feel completely unprepared to really make any decisions in this 
> area. I am a native English speaker whom only speaks English, so this issue 
> has no impact on me or my ability to use PyPI. In the few people I’ve talked 
> to, I’ve had answers from non-native English speakers, ranging from “Don’t 
> bother to translate PyPI, programmers need to learn English” to “Gettext is 
> good enough, just use that” to “Gettext has shortcomings that make it hard to 
> accurately get high quality translates, use a different engine instead”.
> I’m hoping by reaching out here, we can get some more opinions perhaps from 
> people in the affected demographic to chime in.
> Some information:
> * The bulk of the content of PyPI is English (and we’re looking at 
> translating the UI right now, not content) however not all of the content is 
> English [1][2].
> * We’re currently using L20n.js, I went into details about what it provides 
> over getttext on distutils-sig[3].
> * L20n.js is client side, and thus we have to worry about browser support.
> * zh-cn is our second largest language (behind English) with 8-9% of the 
> views on current PyPI coming from Chrome + zh-cn.
> * The open issue for translations is 
> https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/881 which has more information on it 
> as well.
> I’d love it if people familiar with this sort of thing could weigh in, either 
> on this thread, or on the issue, or privately to me if you’d feel more 
> comfortable doing that. Also, please pass this on to any person or group you 
> may know that might have useful input!
> Thanks!
> [1] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/byrlogin/1.1.3
> [2] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bypy/1.2.14
> [3] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2016-January/028134.html
> -----------------
> Donald Stufft
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