
Segue a resposta oficial do projeto GNU com relação a solicitação
feita pelo e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], questionando a falta do Debian na
lista "Free GNU Linux Distributions".


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brett Smith via RT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/6/5
Subject: Re: [ #363927] Why Debian is not listed as free?

On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 14:16 -0400, Marcelo Akira via RT wrote:
> My favorite distribution, Debian GNU/Linux, does not appear in your
> list of "Free GNU Linux Distributions"
> I've also read the document "Free System Distribution Guidelines":
> [snip]
> So, I'd appreciate an official response from the GNU project.


While I also respect Debian's many technical achievements, we
unfortunately cannot recommend it because of the following issues:

* The kernel Linux they ship includes non-free firmware.

* When a Debian system is first installed, it will ask you if you want
to have access to non-free software.  If a user answers yes, Debian will
make it very easy for them to get that software.

These are the only issues I'm currently aware of.  It's possible there
are more; we haven't looked recently because these two points,
especially the second one, have been such longstanding issues.  But if
they are both resolved, we would be happy to review it again, and if
appropriate, recommend it to others.

If you have any other questions about this, please let me know.

Best regards,

Brett Smith
Licensing Compliance Engineer, Free Software Foundation

Marcelo Akira Inuzuka
(62) 32851100-novo, (62) 84045272
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