Hi all,

Some of this is just my lack of knowledge in the software in general, but firstly, in setup and I/O, I'm having problems navigating and I think there are parameters that are inaccessable. I'm just working on a project imported from a HD rig, and in the mix window, the session is still showing up the output and input paths from that HD rig. When I try to change them, the I/O paths for my 003 I'm working with at the moment aren't showing up, and I thought that I would be able to get them to show up in the setup and I/O window. They have shown up to an extent, but when I click OK, ProTools tells me I haven't set all necessary parameters for the output path or which ever I'm trying to adjust.

As a separate issue, I'm using a borrowed 003 on a Macbook pro from my college, and it has drivers for an M box mini installed. I would have thought with the 003 connected and recognised, when I open a new session, any track in it would have the 003 input and output paths available for routing, however this doesn't seem to be the case. It only seems to be showing one pair of stereo outs or their mono left and right, and the same for input, just one stereo pair, and an S/PDIF stereo pair. So even working from a new session and not just in my imported session from the HD system I can't seem to establish all the routing paths from and to the 003. In fact, though I am now thinking that the I/O setup window isn't working for me, I actually got the right analogue inputs and outputs for the 003 when in the imported HD session, but only had the few stereo pairs and their mono equivalents mentioned above.

Strange stuff, apologies if I'm asking questions that are in the users mannual, but I haven't made it all the way through the general ProTools one, and only have borrowed the 003 in the last few days.

Maybe its just that the I/O window isn't fully accessible yet and the other problems are to do with drivers or something.

Thanks for reading,

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