Hi guys. well i have a problem, and a large question.
I’m having trouble from time to time with the cursor and arrow keys. i’m still 
running pro tools 11. i will be upgrading soon. how ever at times p t arrow 
keys stop allowing me to mark in and out points. for example the down arrow 
does not drop the insertion cursore. so if i’m playing a file, and drop the 
insertion with the down arrow. when i stop play back and hit space again to 
start playback the file does not go back to the insertion point. it just 
continues on from where it left off when stopped. the same with setting out 
points with the up arrow. this is across all files in p.t. The only way i can 
fix this is to trash all the preferences and start again. this a real pain in 
the ass as i’ve had to do this 3 times this month. Is there something i’m doing 
or some weird key stroke i am not aware of and and inadvertently hitting to 
cause this painful behaviour. I’ve checked all the usual stuff i think. Track 
in edit sellection is checked i’ve made sure quick nav is off, and turned voice 
over on and off and restarted. probably checked other things too. But any 
thoughts on what is causing this, and how i can get the cursor working properly 
again without retracing would be great. Is this a p t 11 bug that is a 12 fix. 
If this is the case i will except this.

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