Hi Slau!

Sounds very interesting.
Thanks for supporting us over there.

Maybe you could ask for another all time bug.
I reported it several times to Avid.

Moving e.g. 7 bars forward by pressing Numpad-Star, Numpad-Plus, Numpad-7, 
Numpad-Enter works great.
But the opposed direction - using Numpad-Minus instead of Numpad-Plus - does 
not work at all but is still in the Pro Tools manual.

Best! / Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptaccess@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Slau Halatyn
> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 10:28 PM
> To: PTAccess List <ptaccess@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: new features and shortcuts in the new Pro Tools 2018.1
> There are a bunch of new features and shortcuts in Pro Tools 2018.1
> announced today at NAMM. Yes, the version numbers are different now and
> reflect year dot month of release. Anyway, below is  a brief look at the new
> shortcuts and their functions but first, the big news:
> The track record button now accurately reports when it is selected. No more
> having to read the button multiple times to verify whether it's armed or not
> because of it flashing on and off. The same applies to the Global Record
> button in the Transport. This has been an issue from day one and I asked that
> this be made a priority fix last time I visited Avid and it went through a few
> iterations in beta before they got it right but they did nail it. Yay for 
> fixes!
> Designate current playlist as target playlist
> Command+Shift+right arrow
> Any playlist can now be designated as the target playlist to which clips or
> selections from any other playlist can be copied or moved. When a playlist is
> selected, pressing Command+Shift+Right Arrow designates that playlist as
> the target playlist.
> Copy selection to target playlist
> Shift+Option+up arrow
> Let's say you've  created a track called Vocal and you've recorded a number
> of takes on playlists. Let's assume you have four recorded takes on playlists
> named Vocal.01, Vocal.02, Vocal.03 and Vocal.04. Let's say you've designated
> Vocal as the target playlist. For clarity, let's assume you renamed the 
> playlist
> Vocal Comp and your goal is to compile a series of clips or selections from 
> the
> various takes to put on the comp track. Let's say you decided that take 3 was
> the overall best take. Using Shift+Up/Down Arrows, you'd select the Vocal.03
> playlist, select the entire range of the timeline and simply press
> Option+Shift+Up Arrow to copy it to the target playlist, Vocal Comp, without
> having to copy, then select the Vocal Comp playlist and paste. It's just one
> shortcut. Of course, you'll still be on Vocal.03. So, now, let's say you know
> that the first phrase in verse 2 is better in take 4. You can Shift down 
> Arrow to
> get to vocal.04, select the phrase in question and hit Option+Shift+Up arrow
> to send it to Vocal Comp. Essentially, this workflow replaces the use of
> playlist lanes where one would have to click in a lane, solo it to hear it and
> then press Control+Option+v to copy to the Main Playlist. The Main playlist is
> the currently selected playlist and, now with the introduction of a Target
> playlist, one can essentially send from any playlist to any designated target
> playlist.
> Move selection to target playlist
> Option+Shift+t
> If, instead of copying a clip or selection to the target playlist, you'd 
> rather
> move the selection to the target playlist rather than copying, Option+Shift+t
> is your friend. Flo Tools users will recognize that this Keyboard shortcut is 
> the
> the command to Speak Selected Tracks. The new version of Flo Tools now
> uses a different shortcut. Refer to the What's New in Flo Tools document to
> find out more.
> Toggle recent playlists
> Shift+left arrow
> Pressing this shortcut will simply toggle quickly between 2 playlists
> Show target playlist
> Shift+right arrow
> No matter how many playlists you have or which playlist is currently selected,
> pressing Shift+Right Arrow will select the Target Playlist.
> Cycle in audio from previous playlist
> Command+Shift+up arrow
> Cycle in audio from next playlist
> Command+Shift+down arrow
> These two commands are perhaps the most powerful playlist editing
> shortcuts. what these commands do is cycle in audio from other playlists
> when a selection range is made. Without having to switch playlists, it's now
> possible to audition audio from other playlists in context. Let's say you were
> on your Vocal Comp playlist and you had your previously recorded 4 takes
> and you had chosen take 3 as overall best take, just like the previous
> scenario. Let's say the song was "Mary Had a Little Lamb." So let's say you 
> had
> your chosen take copied into the target playlist and you're listening to the
> first line and the word "little just doesn't sound right. What you can now do 
> is
> select the word "little" in the playlist and press Command+Shift+Down
> Arrow. Now, the word "little will be the performance from Vocal.01.
> Everything else remains the same and unchanged. Only the word "little" has
> changed. Pressing Command+Shift+Down Arrow again will now cycle in
> "little" from Vocal.02. You can continue to audition the selected range from
> each available playlist until you're happy with the performance. When you're
> satisfied, you can simply continue on. The entire time, you've never left the
> Target playlist and only the selected range was cycling through the other
> available playlists. Think of this as sort of selecting a different playlist 
> for only
> the selected range rather than the entire timeline. It's extraordinarily
> powerful and, if you use Pre/Post Roll, you can audition the target playlist 
> in
> context so you hear the result of the edit before committing to it. As long as
> your selection range stays in tact, you can keep cycling up or down. When
> you're happy with the choice, simply move on.
> Retrospective MIDI record
> Shift+c
> Some of you will remember the trick of hitting record at the end of a
> rehearsal take to be able to expand the audio in the buffer. Whenever
> people say, "Oh, I wish we had been recording," as long as the transport is
> still rolling when they say it, you can easily retrieve the performance. Well,
> now the same thing exists for MIDI. Press Shift+c to capture the MIDI
> performance that was happening while the transport was engaged.
> Transpose Selected MIDI note up/down by half step
> up/down arrows
> When a MIDI note is selected in Notes View, pressing Up/Down Arrow will
> transpose it on the fly by a semitone. This is great for quick MIDI note 
> editing.
> Thing is, this is also the shortcut for capturing the current time code into 
> the
> Start Counter. Down Arrow will still do this when in an audio track and will
> also work in a MIDI track if there's no note selected. Otherwise, if you press
> down arrow while the transport is engaged, what you'll actually do is
> transpose the selected note down again by one half step. The bottom line is
> that there are a number of shortcuts now in Pro Tools that do one thing in an
> audio track and a different thing in a MIDI track. Be careful and stay aware 
> of
> what is currently selected and you'll be fine.
> Transpose Selected MIDI note up/down by octave
> Shift+up/down arrows
> Same rules apply as above but instead of semitone, notes are transposed by
> octave.
> Transpose Selected MIDI Note Up/Down in Key
> Control+up/down arrow
> This command relies on key signature and chord recognition which is not yet
> accessible but, by default, you might have some success. Essentially, rather
> than chromatic tranposition, notes will increment based on chord.
> Note that adding the Option modifier to the above transposition shortcuts
> will duplicate the selected note before transposing. In other words, if you
> have b3 selected and you press Option+Up Arrow, the b3 will remain and a
> new note with the pitch c4 will be created at the same point in the timeline.
> Pressing Up Arrow again will transpose the c4 to C Sharp 4. This is a fast way
> to stack notes to generate chords in place.
> You can think of the following shortcuts as equivalents to the shortcuts used
> to trim the left and right edges of selected clips only this works for 
> selected
> MIDI notes.
> Trim note on by current nudge value
> Control+left/right arrow
> Trim note on by next greater nudge value
> control+Shift+left/right arrows
> Trim note off by nudge value
> Option+left/right arrows
> Trim note off by next greater nudge value
> Option+Shift+left/arrows
> The following shortcuts provide a quick way of raising or lowering MIDI Note
> On values on the fly rather than typing in a value.
> Increase/decrease velocity by 5
> Command+up/down arrows
> Increase/decrease velocity by 15
> Command+Shift+up/down arrows
> Save track preset
> Option+Shift+p
> Track Presets are new to Pro Tools and it's beyond the scope of this email to
> cover how track presets work. You'll need to refer to the What's New pdf to
> get the scoop on that.
> Hope this helps,
> Slau
> --
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