Since this thread was started, bug 13071 was filed against this spec (the only open bug):

Any comments re the priority of this bug, in particular if it must be addressed before publishing a new LCWD?

Hixie - would you please provide a rough estimate re when you can address this bug?

All - if anyone is willing to submit a fix for this bug, please send the fix to the list or add the fix to the bug.


On 6/24/11 7:33 AM, ext Arthur Barstow wrote:
Hixie, All,

Ian responded [1] to the last set of Server-Sent Events comments I had noted, and Bugzilla now reports Zarro Boogs [2] for this spec (11835/Fixed, 11836/WontFix, 12411/Fixed, 12883/WontFix).

As such, this raises the question if the spec is ready for Last Call Working Draft publication (see [3] for information about what it means for the spec to be "LC ready"). If you have any feedback on this question, please send it by July 1.

The latest Editor's Draft is:


[1] [2] [3]

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