On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Arthur Barstow <art.bars...@nokia.com> wrote:
> It appears you are intentionally using "comments" here to differentiate
> "contributions". Is that right?


> I ask because, as I understand the CG process: before a person can make a
> contribution to a CG spec, they must agree to a CLA for all of the CG's
> specs; and a CG is only supposed to accept contributions from its CG
> members.
> If your CG uses WebApps' list, how will contributions from non-CG people be
> managed/tracked and how will the FSA be managed e.g. if non-CG contributions
> are accepted?

I spoke with Ian Jacobs about this.  He clarified that "contributions"
only means spec text.  To date, I've written all actual spec text
myself, and I expect this to continue.  It's usual that only the
editor writes the actual text of the specifications they edit.  If for
some reason I wanted to accept spec text from someone else, they'd
have to submit it through the CG and we'd ensure it was properly
tracked for legal reasons.  As I understand it, it couldn't be
submitted on public-webapps, but that's not a problem -- I just want
to use public-webapps for discussion.

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