
This is my first post on this list, so i'm obviously not a long time
puppet user/dev. Nevertheless i want to propose a change to improve the
semantic correctness and reliability of the dependency handling system
of puppet.

I've been working on some puppet modules to cope with chroots, bind
mounts and lvm snapshots under debian when i was bitten by a nasty
problem. The construction of the resources was easy: create two
file-resources for the source-dir and the mountpoint, create a mount-
resource to bind-mount the source-dir to the mountpoint. Obviously the
mount-resource requires the two file-resources. In the other direction
this worked not as expected. because mount-requires the file i either
had problems with mounts still being busy or - much more dangerous -
completely empty source directories because my mountpoint-file forcibly
and recursively remove all the contents under the mountpoint before the
unmount took place. The workaround was to create a define wrapping the
mount and either call it with a "require" (on creation (ensure =>
present)) or with a "before" argument (on deletion (ensure => absent))
to invert the order the resources get handled when the bind mount
should be removed. I've attached a fully working example, so people
using Linux may play around with it.

I also ran into problems like this when working with users and groups,
when puppet attempted to remove the primary group of a user before the
user itself.

Anyway, to cut a long story short i propose to add two new meta
parameters called "above" and "below", where the direction is given by
the state change of a resource. Lets assume that we construct a system
from bottom to top (bottom = bare os, top = magic self healing cluster
of number crunchers calculating the answer to the life, the universe and
everything), so if ensure is something like present, installed, mounted
this will imply that the state of a resource is augmented and thus other
resources below that one must be constructed before and those above
this resource afterward. On the other side if ensure is something like
absent or purge resources above this one must be handled before and the
ones below after.

I hope was not to unclear. I'm sure this would solve much problems i
worked around in my receipts without breaking the current dependency
model or did i miss something crucial?

Looking forward to a interesting discussion

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