On Oct 23, 2008, at 5:04 PM, Lorenz Schori wrote:

> Anyway, to cut a long story short i propose to add two new meta
> parameters called "above" and "below", where the direction is given by
> the state change of a resource. Lets assume that we construct a system
> from bottom to top (bottom = bare os, top = magic self healing cluster
> of number crunchers calculating the answer to the life, the universe  
> and
> everything), so if ensure is something like present, installed,  
> mounted
> this will imply that the state of a resource is augmented and thus  
> other
> resources below that one must be constructed before and those above
> this resource afterward. On the other side if ensure is something like
> absent or purge resources above this one must be handled before and  
> the
> ones below after.
> I hope was not to unclear. I'm sure this would solve much problems i
> worked around in my receipts without breaking the current dependency
> model or did i miss something crucial?

I actually tried this maybe 1.5 years ago, and it was basically  
completely untenable and pissed everyone off.

The crux is:  What happens if you need to delete a resource in order  
to correctly configure another resource?  That is, correct  
configuration of a given resource class requires negation of some  

In that case, we would incorrectly set order, which would then break  

The only real way to do something like this is to have class-level  
'ensure'-equivalents:  We'd need to be able to talk about the whole  
service class being present or running or whatever, and then the  
'ensure' state of all contained resources would be bit-flipped  
depending on what we did with that class-level state.

This is something that I've considered, but it's a drastic change to  
Puppet's language, transactional system, and probably more, so I  
haven't embarked on it yet.  Maybe for 2.0 or something?

A Chemical Limerick:
     A mosquito cried out in pain:
     "A chemist has poisoned my brain!"
     The cause of his sorrow
     was para-dichloro
     -- Dr. D. D. Perrin
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://madstop.com

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