Hi Lorenz,

> I've commented on that before but i might revise my statement. I use
> classes almost exclusively for grouping together defines and therefore
> i'm not very concerned about class-level parameters.

As you I am using classes nearly exclusively to bundle definitions. I
currently impose a very strict installation hierarchy "by convention"
anyway. So "above"/"below" comes naturally to me.

Therefore I like your idea of "above" and "below" as it solves some of
my problems as well although I unfortunately do not find the time to
fix the code as you did. Thanks for your contribution! I'll try it out

My current workaround is: I am using a custom "installed" parameter
with my definitions to emulate the behaviour you are providing through
"above"/"below". Then I use a couple of "if" statements within my
definitions that ensure that enable, ensure, require, before, notify
and subscribe get fixed depending on installed=false or
installed=true. Like that I can uninstall resources as a bundle and in
the right order without causing damage. I leave them in "uninstalled"
state until all nodes have updated their state then I can remove the
definition instances from the configuration.

I prefer this approach over class inheritance (enable/disable):
1) Above all: I don't like classes at all for state management as they
do not accept parameters and force me to use global variables (which I
won't, see links below)
2) The installed-variable can be easily passed on to nested lower-
level definitions. If you use class inheritance however you usually
have to fix more than just one variable when you want to flip state
from installed to uninstalled or vice versa.
3) And of course I generally don't like the concept to "hard code"
state into class names as it's more difficult to maintain when you
extend or refactor your classes/definitions.

It's obvious that I'd prefer a "native" solution to the problem rather
than having to work around it with all the practical problems implied.

> I somehow worked
> around them. On the other hand i see that there are some use cases for
> parametrized classes but i just would think about them as singleton
> defines - which is what they actually are in reality.

I also agree with you that there is no real conceptual difference
between classes and defines. This was not such a problem if they were
really syntactically equivalent. But that's not the case. Classes
don't accept parameters and therefore invite use of global variables
which I believe is a very bad idea. Definitions are not inheritable
and do not provide namescoped variables (or better: constants).

See this post for a rather complete discussion of the conceptual
similarities/differences between classes and defines (and scope for
improvement) that I had with Luke:


This discussion is based on the following earlier post


and on my feature request #1645

@Luke: I am linking this so that you don't have to repeat your
arguments again.

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