I began to use openGL and pyglet. Now I'm trying to get a function who 
return a sector. I want to use GL_POLYGON draw method but I've got weird 
result... Can you help me? I use cos(pi/2) for my x coordinate and 
sin(pi/2) for my y coordinate. I used red for the outter ring and green for 
the inner ring. I only want to fill my array of points^^ I dont know much 
about openGL but it's a start! I already prepared the midi interface. Im 
only stuck with the graphic parts...

here is my code

from pyglet.gl import *
> from math import *
> class secteur(object):
>     def __init__(self, radius, inner_radius, angle, points):
>         self.radius = radius
>         self.inner_radius = inner_radius
>         self.angle = angle
>         self.points = points
>         self.vertex = []
>         self.color = []
>         for i in range(points):
>             angle=self.angle/points*i
>             x=cos(angle)*radius
>             y=sin(angle)*radius
>             z=0
>             self.vertex.extend([x,y,z])
>             self.color.extend([255,0,0])
>         for i in range(points):
>             angle=self.angle-self.angle/points*i
>             x=cos(angle)*inner_radius
>             y=sin(angle)*inner_radius
>             z=0
>             self.vertex.extend([x,y,z])
>             self.color.extend([0,255,0])
>         self.vertices = pyglet.graphics.vertex_list(2*points,('v3f', self.
> vertex),('c3B',self.color))
> class myWindow(pyglet.window.Window):
>     def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
>         super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)
>         self.set_minimum_size(300,300)
>         glClearColor(0.2,0.2,0.21,1)
>         self.secteur = secteur(0.5,0.3,pi/2,11)
>     def  on_draw(self):
>         self.clear()
>         self.secteur.vertices.draw(GL_POLYGON)
>     def on_resize(self,width,height):
>         glViewport(0,0,width,height)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     windows = myWindow(800,800,"midi_visualizer",resizable=True)
>     pyglet.app.run()

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