2008/12/16 Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>:
>>> By the way, Pylons homepage says: "AJAX: Rails-style WebHelpers based
>>> on Prototype, or Mochikit, jQuery, Dojo, Ext & more". I'm wondering
>>> what that means.
>> I've been curious about that too, since the JavaScript helpers are
>> implemented with Prototype. I think the intent, though, is just to
>> indicate that it's easy to use any of those libraries with Pylons or
>> to create your own helpers based on those libs.
> It indicates the website is out of date. :)

OK it used to be true for Prototype, but what about the other ones?
I'm a bit worried about newcomers getting exciting at reading this and
then finding out that there isn't really such a thing in Pylons.

>>> Is it going to be possible to keep the current Rails-style WebHelpers
>>> while using newer versions of Pylons or will we definitely have to
>>> port our code?
> You'll have to make some adjustments at least.  The easiest is to copy
> the old helper modules into your application and adjust the imports in
> helpers.py.  You can do that any time in the next several months.
> Alternatively, you could hack Pylons' egg-info to not require the
> newer version, but that would be overwritten if you reinstall or
> upgrade Pylons.

Thank you for the hint, copying the old module seems to be simpler indeed.

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