[Joshua D. Drake, 2009-02-09]
> On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 23:18 +0100, Piotr Ozarowski wrote:
> > [Mike Orr, 2009-02-07]
> > > Ah, it's been a long time since I've seen a Linux system where the
> > > user and system administrator weren't the same person.
> > 
> > well, sometimes it needs some work to glue different Python modules and
> > applications together (Pylons devs/users should know this better than
> > others, no?) and guess who will be blamed if a random Python application
> > suddenly doesn't work anymore? Specially since using easy_install to
> > install modules system-wide is recommend everywhere (even by Python
> > programmers!).
> > 
> > FTR: I don't think easy_install is pure evil, it's simply not used sanely.
> This is interesting. To me the direction this thread took is in reverse.
> Things should be installed globally. It is part of "production". You
> define your deployment, your dependencies and that is what you get. That
> way you don't have to much with silly things like virtualenv.

installing globally is good (preferred, I'd even say, it's easier to fix
security holes in one place only - all these Linux distributions cannot
be wrong, right?)... _if_ you can share dependencies with other parts of
the system and your system is aware of files you installed (so that it
will not try to install libraries you already have or will not install
applications that depend on different versions of libraries if these
libraries cannot coexist in the same env. (i.e. are conflicting with
each other) - like many Python modules)

> Once a machine of mine goes production, it never gets updated except for
> security releases.

just one question: are you 100% sure that none of the tools you use to
get/install/be notified about/whatever these security updates is written
in Python or has some Python dependencies and Python modules/Eggs
you installed are not breaking them? If yes, everything is ok.

> If I need to have "another app" with a different version I will use a VM
> or a new server.

I meant "another app" as in completely not Pylons related. What if
you'll install a log parser written in Python that should notify you
about problems with this machine and it's not working correctly due to a
bug in one of libraries you installed with your application (and which
overwrote the working one shipped with your distribution)?

-=[     Piotr Ożarowski     ]=-
-=[ http://www.ozarowski.pl ]=-

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