On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Joshua D. Drake <j...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> This is interesting. To me the direction this thread took is in reverse.
> Things should be installed globally. It is part of "production". You
> define your deployment, your dependencies and that is what you get. That
> way you don't have to much with silly things like virtualenv.
> If I need to have "another app" with a different version I will use a VM
> or a new server.

Well, virtualenv is like a VM, at least in the case where the only
thing you need to isolate is the Python libraries.  If you have six
web sites it can be a bit excessive to have six VMs for them,
especially if two are used heavily and two are not used much.

Ideally you'd want to use mature software that has OS packages
available.  Then you can just install the OS packages globally and
everything will be fine.  The API won't change much between versions
so you can learn it once and that'll last you several years.  This is
the case with Apache, MySQLdb, PIL, etc. -- fortunately the things
that are hardest to install locally.

But with immature software, the versions and APIs change too quickly
to do this.  If we were to apply this to Pylons, we'd have to stick to
0.9.6, which is not bad but is a dead end long term. So if I have an
0.9.6 application which is running fine and will not have a major
upgrade soon, I'll keep supporting it on 0.9.6 as long as I can.  But
new applications I'll write for 0.9.7 because it's close to final, and
to avoid writing it twice (for 0.9.6 now, then upgrading to 0.9.7
later).  Plus there may be some bugfixes or new features in 0.9.7 that
this application needs now or might need in the future.  So if I
deploy both the new and the older application, right there I've got
incompatible library requirements and thus the need for virtualenv (or
virtual servers, or a fake user for each application).

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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