On Wednesday, February 21, 2018, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 22 February 2018 at 08:19, Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:
> > As for the bug tracker, I still do like Roundup, and we have a huge
> investment in it, not just in resources expended to make it rock, but also
> in all the history in it and everything that integrates with it.  I
> wouldn’t stop anybody who’s motivated to spearhead a move to GH issues, but
> I also don’t think that can be taken up lightly.
> [...]

> Personally, the only things I really miss on Roundup vs GitHub issues
> are usability tweaks like Markdown support in the comment editor, and
> inline dropdowns for @-mentions of other users and #-mentions of other
> issues, so if someone is motivated to work on issue tracking
> enhancements, that seems like a more fruitful endeavour than trying to
> migrate wholesale to a proprietary third party service.

Additional Roundup ENHancements:

- [ ] ENH: Issue mention 'trackbacks'
  Optionally quoting the full issue title inline instead of just #123 would
be great: "#123: Issue title"

- [ ] ENH: GitHub OAuth integration; to make it easy to login to Roundup
with GitHub credentials


> Cheers,
> Nick.
> P.S. That said, one tracker that I think absolutely *would* be worth
> migrating to GitHub is the meta-tracker at
> http://psf.upfronthosting.co.za/roundup/meta. We haven't customised
> that instance the way we have bugs.python.org, and consolidating it
> and the source repo at http://hg.python.org/tracker/roundup/ into a
> single https://github.com/python/bugs.python.org repo would better
> align tracker development with development on other parts of the
> infrastructure.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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