On 07/25/2019 05:31 AM, Batuhan Taskaya wrote:

What i see is when you post the ideas channel and it is something
 that doesnt change much on the frontside people dont care. And
 when people dont care, they forgot. PEP reviewing process is way
 better than posting to ideas and try to convince people.

If someone posts a PEP to python-dev as the first step, they will be told to 
take it to ideas for discussion.

If someone wants to post a PEP-like document to python-ideas they are welcome 
to do so -- possibly the only thing lacking to make it an official PEP is the 
PEP number, but that can be added later once you've got the support of a 

However, writing a PEP-like document is a serious investment of energy and 
time, and most ideas can be discarded long before with minimal discussion.

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