Amit Aronovitch wrote:

> 3) My suggestion:
> Anonymous (not logged in) users can edit pages after getting a (time
> limited) cookie from
> a "verifycation" page using captcha Images (
> ) - note: it does not have to
> contain any other input fields - no login needed.
>  Also - "major"/"main" pages are reserved for logged-in edits only
> (to protect from vandalism).
>  Note that this should mostly solve both (1) and (2) above.
>  If such a system is not already available, it should not be too hard
> to implement, especially in a python-driven CMS.
I just noticed that the Gentoo Linux Wiki  ( ) is using a method almost identical to
what I describe here, and it's a mediawiki site - same technology as our
 (one difference I noticed: it's seems a new captcha is displayed on
every edit instead of having a timeout based cookie)
 I wonder if we could get some feedback from the site's admins about the
effectiveness of this against wiki-spam (as I said, I believe this
method might be both more open AND more secure).
