Correct . However it is expensive(for a dev) to do it that way when you know 
you can just use one unsigned int that get assigned in every call of 
setdepdirty()  , and it goes also with the fact that you only have to worry 
about one attribute change at a time , and it is not necessary to store every 
indices like that , the use of MArrayDataHandle::jumpToArrayElement() with 
MArrayDataHandle::elementIndex() is a recommended combo to iterate over the 
array of compounds/element even in the documentation , and you will need to 
call MDataBlock::inputArrayValue() once you are in compute anyway so … this 
m_element_index thing is just here so I know what element is tingling so that I 
don’t have to do expensive complete calculations, it’s lazy evaluation if you 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Rob Engle
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2018 7:40 PM
To: Python Programming for Autodesk Maya
Subject: Re: [Maya-Python] Why most people use boolean flags insteadofcatching 
the MPlug ?

My question is slightly off topic to this thread but motivated by the posted 
code sample...

I was under the impression that setDependentsDirty can be called any number of 
times with different arguments before compute is called (if ever). This would 
mean that storage of m_element_index (or caching of any information from 
setDependentsDirty) would need to store more than just the one call.  This 
could be solved by making m_element_index an array of cached values and compute 
handling all of them.  Is this right?


On Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 7:03:16 AM UTC-7, justin hidair wrote:
/*in the boolean flag case :
lets say aDistance and aAmount are both child of a compound in an array of 
MStatus myclass::setDependentsDirty(const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &affect)
                mayastream << "dirtying. .." << "\n";
        if(plug.isChild() && plug.attribute() == aDistance )
                e_distance_change= true ;
                /*get index to target this attribute specifically will be
                useful with MArrayDataHandle*/
                m_element_idx = plug.parent().logicalIndex();
        if(plug.isChild() && plug.attribute() == aAmount )
                e_amount_change= true ;
                /*get index to target this attribute specifically will be
               useful with MArrayDataHandle*/
                m_element_idx = plug.parent().logicalIndex();
    return MPxNode::setDependentsDirty(plug , affect );
MStatus myclass::compute(...)
    //typical moves:
    cmp_array = datablock.inputArrayValue(aArray);
    if( e_distance_change == true )
    /*    perform targeted calculations
            use cmp_array.jumpToElement(m_element_idx)*/
    if(e_amount_change == true )
        /*perform targeted calculations
            use cmp_array.jumpToElement(m_element_idx)*/
/*in the use Plug case :
lets say aDistance and aAmount are both child of a compound in an array of 
MStatus myclass::setDependentsDirty(const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &affect)
                mayastream << "dirtying. .." << "\n";
        m_dirty_plug = plug;     
                /*just one line and we can use the plug however we want
                the benefit is we also have all the methods of MPlug
                like .isConnected and so on , aslong as the method stay ) const 
                we can use it in compute without a problem...
                we can use this to get index in array : 
                now to compute() ... */
    return MPxNode::setDependentsDirty(plug , affect );
MStatus myclass::compute(...)
    //things I never saw:
    cmp_array = datablock.inputArrayValue(aArray);
    if(m_dirty_plug.isChild() && m_dirty_plug.attribute() == aDistance )  
        /*perform targeted calculations
        use all the cool const methods of MPlug
        use cmp_array.jumpToElement(m_dirty_plug.parent().logicalIndex())*/
    if(m_dirty_plug.isChild() && m_dirty_plug.attribute() == aAmount)
        /*perform targeted calculations
        use all the cool const methods of MPlug
        use cmp_array.jumpToElement(m_dirty_plug.parent().logicalIndex())*/
    optionnaly at the end you can if you want reset  m_dirty_plug with 
    m_dirty_plug.setMObject(MObject::kNullObj) but it's not really required 
because it
    will be reassigned ... it allow to use .isNull() in particular cases tho
    lot of things you can do with just a plug instead of 4 boolean flags, it's 
    way easier to maintain*/
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