> On 8 Jan 2022, at 00:16, Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org> wrote:
> ... In this
> specific case, NSPasteboardTypeOwner seems to be part of
> an API introduced in 10.14 (Mojave).

Thank you for the details, this explains the error.

> So the upstream answer, I'm afraid, is that you should
> upgrade to a newer macOS version.

Unfortunately this is not possible. :-(

I'm producing cross-platform and cross-version binaries, which means unique 
binaries based on a bit older release that are expected to run on all more 
recent releases. For macOS I just upgraded the base from 10.10 to 10.13. For 
Linux I upgraded from Ubuntu 12 (kept for compatibility with RedHat 7) to 
Ubuntu 18.

So, it seems that with the current upstream code, the direct consequence would 
be that for the macOS builds I cannot enable Cocoa. 

My next choice would be SDL2; I tested and the build passed, but I did not know 
how to test if it works.

My other binary distribution (the qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse), based on the 
venerable 2.8, used SDL2 from the very beginning on all platforms and still 
works on all macOS releases since 10.10, so I guess this would be a more 
permisive solution.

However I don't know if any of the existing Arm and RISC-V emulated platforms 
can use SDL2 on macOS. Actually I don't even know which of the existing 
emulated platforms, especially the bare-metal ones, use any graphics at all (in 
qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse I added pictures of all emulated boards and 
implemented animated graphical LEDs, all via SDL2; it was a quite convenient 
feature, highly appreciated by the users).

So, to summarise, I'm interested only in 
qemu-system-arm/aarch64/riscv32/riscv64, and the build must pass on Ubuntu 18 
for Intel and Arm Linux,  mingw 9 on Linux for Windows (7 and up), macOS 10.13 
for Intel and macOS 11.6 for Apple Silicon.

The binaries should run on all more recent versions, and are mainly targeted 
for running unit-tests on CI servers (so no need for graphics), but also for 
local debugging sessions via GDB and semihosting (where animated LEDs would be 
a nice to have feature).

Thank you in advance for your valuable advice.


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