I tested the editing tools in ArcMap 10.2 and moving nodes and features is
drag and drop.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:46 PM, Denis Rouzaud <denis.rouz...@gmail.com>

>  Hi all,
> I'll try to summarize.
> *QEP*: I don't mind doing one, but I think it's a bit early since we are
> still discussing.
> *Problematic*: Drag'n'drop map tools prevent from enhancing CAD tools in
> QGIS. For this, it is *required *to add click-click to all map tools.
> *Other softwares:*
> CAD softwares use click-click actions while design and GIS (Mapinfo, what
> about ESRI?) use drag'n'drop.
> New users or even current users might be afraid of such a change.
> *Pros of methods:*
> Advantages of click-clik:
> * allow other actions to be done in the movement
> * allow cancelling the action (this was not pointed out yet)
> Advantages of drag'n'drop
> * More intuitive (for non-CAD users, which I believe is the majority)
> I see *3 (and a half) solutions* (thanks to Matthias for pointing some):
> 1.* Replace current* drag'n'drop to click-click
> + simplest solution to maintain
> - need time for new users to get used to this
> 2.* Enable both* click-clik and drag'n'drop: a short click will free the
> node/feature while a long click (*) will allow drag'n'drop.
> + both solutions are here
> - might be confusing for a "standard" user to make a short click and have
> a node moving without knowing what to do (although escape would cancel the
> thing)
> 3. Provide both behaviours and *choose which one to use in options* (e.g.
> enable CAD behaviour for map tools).
> + both solutions are here
> - behaviour not coherent along the different installations
> half solution: click-click in map tools, allow drag'n'drop in the main
> identify tool. Like *Microstation*.
> - this works only for move features (i.e. not feasible for rotate and node
> tools)
> Please comment these solutions, to see if there's a consensus.
> I'll start and vote for 1. ;)
> Cheers,
> Denis
> * The determination of what should be done is made on the distance in
> pixels from the press position to the release position. If it's small it is
> considered as a short. Time might also get into consideration: if you
> long-click but don't move it could be considered as cancel.
> On 24.09.2014 10:56, Denis Rouzaud wrote:
> Hi all,
> There is somehow an inconsistency in the behaviour of the current editing
> map tools.
> Some, like add features, uses the left click to trigger the action.
> Others, like the node tool or move feature use press-pan-release mouse
> events:
> * mouse press to select the node/feature
> * mouse mouse to move it
> * mouse release sets the position.
> I would propose to standardise this and for the latter tools propose the
> following work flow:
> * left click enables the move
> * left click again to validate at position
> * or right click to cancel
> Why changing this?
> If you look at CAD software, they also use the proposed approach. And
> there's a reason for doing so, which is valid for QGIS too.
> We are looking at improving the CAD tools in QGIS. In this area, I
> recommend trying the fantastic CADinput plugin made by Olivier Dalang. The
> plugin works on top of any map tool and enables CAD tools for each of them.
> The problem with the press-pan-release map tools is that you can't truly
> interact while you are actually in the action of the map tool (holding the
> click):
> * you can't click anymore and this prevents from using intermediate points
> (you have to use the tool several times and repeat the operation as many
> times as intermediate points you need)
> * it is not really user friendly to have to press keys while holing the
> click
> This is why, changing the map tools behaviour is requested if we want to
> go further with CAD tools in QGIS.
> Regarding the future of CAD tools in QGIS, I am quite sure the plugin
> proposed by Olivier would be a good way to go for QGIS, but it still might
> be a bit early to integrate it in core. The idea is rather first to extend
> the API and propose ready to use methods, so it will be easy to implement
> your preferred solution in a plugin.
> But first, we need to standardise the map tools.
> So, the bottom line, any objection to changing the behaviour of:
> * edit node tool
> * move feature
> * rotate feature
> * move label
> * rotate label
> * any other press-pan-release map tool that I am not aware of
> ???
> Best wishes,
> Denis
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