Hi guys,

I think integrating SAGA tightly into QGIS would be very beneficial
for both projects:
- QGIS would finally have a native analysis engine, ending the long
time struggle with changing parameter names, data conversions, CRS
issues, algorithm naming (e.g. raster vs grid), duplication of
algorithms etc.
- SAGA source code would get more eyes of developers (increasing
quality and bringing in new algorithms) and users. SAGA devs could
focus more on algorithms as GUI side would be handled by QGIS.

This would be however best done with consent from SAGA developers, so
we do not end up with two competing projects.

I totally agree on all the topics..

SAGA is as powerful as often not usable.. I think that seeing the SAGA engine ported in the QGIS one would be an extreme improvement..

Thanks for raising the topic



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