Does this mean you are offering to enhance SMSQ/E one more time so that I can lock down a window properly [hint - hint]? I would be more than happy to abandon this approach (sorry Per) for a simple lock down mechanism.

On the other hand, the idea behind the workaround is that it would only pick the window back to the top if the calling window was physically picked (IE: mouse clicked onto). Or at least that would be my intention. I definitely don't want something just happening repeatedly and using up horsepower. Note that this is possible due to the newer pointer call that lets us pick what vector it responds to (I hope).


On Sep 30, 2004, at 9:27 AM, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

James Hunkins wrote:
Marcel, were you thinking of something specific here?

Just that constantly picking a windows is a "bad thing to do". Perhaps I want to work with another application on top that happens to burry it?

That's also why programmatically bringing another application to the
foreground is impossible since Windows 2000 (instead the task bar
button starts to flash).


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