Bury me at the deepest level [ just on top of the desktop background if any ] would be very nice for QDT. Most modern desktop put their object icons directly onto the desktop and most windows sit on top of them by default.

This would allow me to place the icons onto literally the desktop and have an option for a user to pick them all to the top (if he is trying to find one - useful since we don't have a way to hide all windows (or do we - another option?) or put them back down.


On Oct 1, 2004, at 12:10 AM, Jérôme_Grimbert wrote:

Marcel Kilgus wrote:
James Hunkins wrote:
Marcel, were you thinking of something specific here?
Just that constantly picking a windows is a "bad thing to do". Perhaps
I want to work with another application on top that happens to burry
That's also why programmatically bringing another application to the
foreground is impossible since Windows 2000 (instead the task bar
button starts to flash).

A long time ago, when background was not available at the system level, one way to do it was to have a full-screen application which always picked another to the top... due to the lack of 'Burry me to the deepest level' system call.

Maybe what some need is some additional system calls:
- Burry me at the deepest level (opposite of current 'bring me to top')
(but to keep things clean and safe, should work only for current job, not for another, as Marcel noted, that would be a bad thing to do.)
- Am I at the deepest level ?
- Am I partially covered ? (not fully exposed: aka, I/O would block)
- Am I at the top level ? (fully exposed)

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