ÎÎÎ Thu, 3 Feb 2005 15:36:03 +0000,Î(Î) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ÎÎÏÎÏÎ/wrote:

> Unfortunatley not in mine.
> >You can run a SBASIC job across a network by:
> >
> > EX "n1_*ram1_myjob_bas"
> Oh, does this also work across a normal network? I thought this was peculiar
> to Sernet (hence s1_win1....)

The description is also given in the QPC2 manual.

I forgot to say that it seems to be only SBASIC programs that can be run on
the remote machine in this way.

The "n1" is an exact quote from the manual(s). In fact I have set up my
SERNET so that the network letter is "n". This is so that I can use my pogram
NET_PEEK to access the remote computer. NET_PEEK needs the letter "n".

The manual indicates that this facility is confined to MIDINET and SERNET.

What machines do you connect with Sernet? I can get it to work between two PCs have never been able to get that same version working between PC and Aurora. It must be down to either serial port or cabling issues as I know that the version of Sernet I use works great between QPC2 on 2 PCs.

When I last tried it on Aurora, it was with SMSQE, so the issue of SRX and STX serial ports should not be an issue. The MinisQL-Aurora was fitted with 9-pin D serial port connectors which in theory conform to equivalent 9-pin PC serial port connections unless anyone can advise me differently.

Sernet has worked between everything I have. My Aurora however couldn't cope with speeds greater than 9600 and unfortunately superHermes' SER3 is not supported by Sernet (at least I've tried but no cigar :-( )

My take is that you probably tried at max speed (19200) on SER1 & 2 and it won't connect for the love of God there ;-) (even with sH)

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