wolfgang mühlegger writes:

>> Great! Anyone got any info on how to set it up for Wxp/W2k? I can see the
>> graphics but the text is unreadable.


> right click the chess.exe
> choose properties -> compatibility -> win95
> and on the screen tab tick the fullscreen option.
> (i have to guess the menu names, because i use geman winXP)
> btw, i just get it running, if i chosse "IBM Color card" after
> start. that does NOT mean that the display is colored - that is only
> a hardware/compatibilty option i think.

Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately it didnt make a difference.

I suppose all this is seriously off-topic ;) However, Id love to get it 
going, as I dont find any of the cracked QL versions playable for a variety 
of reasons (most of them just crash). Thing is, the DOS version plays 
alright, but it doesnt seem to have a valid font; all text characters just 
show up as the same squiggle (much like viewing a binary file in Minerva) My 
XP SP2 is more-or-less out of the box - I havent fiddled with it (very much, 
honestly!) Since then Ive tried messing about with the pif - to no avail. I 
think something has to be loaded in config.sys - on my machine at least. But 
all that fright has been a long time ago now. Just wondered if anyone still 
had this stuff at their finger tips?


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