In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

Hi Norman,

Not entirely frazzled the old brain then ( in the heat )... ? ... :-)

I envy you the visit ... Ancient Egypt has always been a favourite 
period of mine.

I do a project at school which uses the background research on a tumbler 
style lock that the Ancient Egyptians invented - made from wood - which 
is closely identical to the modern tumbler lock - Yale type lock.

A main difference is that they didn't invent the use of the spring 
inside the lock.

>Hi Malcolm,
>>> Whereas ALL ql_users, as we know, are very erudite ... :-)
>Indeed we are !
>>> >>Norman. (Back from Egypt, and only slightly burned.)
>>> Umm ... it must have been hot ... !
>Yes it was. 14 days all of which were 40 degrees (C) plus, or, in old 
>money, over 104 degrees F.

Malcolm Cadman
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