Hi to all!

Not long ago I contacted Derek Steward to asked him a few things about the Q60 for my QL-article (which will be published in the next issue of Amiga Future, www.amigafuture.de).

To my surprise he told me, that the Q60 is still available from D&D Systems, if there are at least ten orders for a new batch.

As I am very interested in a Q60 (I think it is still a fine QL- successor and -replacement) I want to ask, if there are other people, who are willing to buy a new Q60?

I know, that the price of the Q60 was often criticized, but compared for example with similar projects in the Atari-world (Milan, Medusa) the Q60 has a very fair price (for a very special computer in small quantities).

Beside of this, I suggested Derek to sell the Q60 not only as complete system but also only the motherboard. I think most of us are able to build a complete system around the motherboard, so this solution would be cheaper than buying a complete system (especially when you live outside of GB - shipping costs!).

In general I find it a little bit sad, that the Q60 wasn´t a greater success and that there is no new "real" hardware in the QL-land anymore.

Don´t get me wrong: QPC is a great product and I bought it from Jochen a few months ago. But I think real hardware is important, too. So I hope, that there are at least nine other people, who are thinking like me;-)

Kind regards,
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