Marcel Kilgus wrote, On 12/12/09 12:35:
gdgqler wrote:
Yes, the Q60 is a good machine. One thing it has that QPC2 does not
is the Floating Point Unit.  Simon Goodwin wrote some software using
this unit to replace the SMSQ/E trig functions. I think these
routines come with the Q60 software.

QPC replaces the SMSQ/E trig (and other) functions with x86 floating
point code, so that's even faster ;) But apart from that QPC2 is
lacking native FPU support, yes.

I think the biggest drawback of the Qx0 is the weird display
resolution which, as mentioned on the list recently, doesn't seem to
be suitable for LCD monitors. Perhaps a 1024x768 mode could be tweaked
out of the FPGA code, I don't know, but out of the box 1024x512 is bit

This issue arose I think with the Q40. Peter said there was no room to incorporate it in the logic chips.


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