Morning Norman,

Indeed - all has been said - and support for the Bridge module is
ZERO.... simply no supporters. After that, the thread went completely
quiet. But I never said never ...
Well, I couldn't offer support for the bridge as (a) the description of
it was all in German which I cannot read (I'm afraid and ashamed to say)
or understand.
Well, I don't think Tobias was referring to this kind of support.
As we know (and your German was good enough to figure all this out :-)
there is no test version.

Indeed again. And it is pretty sad to see that Urs' effort did not get
feedback either... and it dates back about 2 weeks already.
I gave feedback! Honest, I did! At least, I'm sure I did! (Note to self,
check the archives!)
Oh, I checked this before I wrote it (as I did not remember a reply) and I cannot find anything in this thread after Urs' message, 14th of Oct. But I guess Urs, you and Wolfgang did not really count as we were on the "active" side, not the demanding side ;-)

In fact, I gave the feedback that Urs had produces a nice bitmapped PDF
which I was able to extract text from and create a smaller (ie a few
pages rather than the whole of issue 1) PDF where the text was text and
not an image. Which I thought was the problem - Calamus creates
bitmapped PDFs which are huge and we really need text based ones which
are much smaller.
Yes, they are way too huge - they should be text-based AND smaller.
And the only possible solution seems to be the Bridge Module (back in the circle).

Just this quick reply, then I'm out for this week - extremely busy
(taxes 2009 have to be finished by Sunday).
Good luck. I've not long finished mine for end of year. Just got my
Company Tax bill in as well. Sigh!
Not much to add. I feel as well: sigh!!

Cheers   Jochen

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