Stephen Meech wrote: 
> I think he just picked too wide a subject but even I beat him 
> on the general knowledge section.
Yes, indeed his subject was much too wide. But the fact that he didn't
recall/know where Tim Berners-Lee worked while inventing HTML and who the
British designer is who works at Apple is very poor for a computer dinosaur
like him. But it makes very clear that he lost interest in computers many,
many years ago.

If I was supposed to be one of the celebrities then I had chosen the QL as
my subject. I bet I know as much on the QL as the Blonde did know on Debbie
Harry & Blondie.

Inspired by their hair I can say blonde on Blondie (Helen), bald on
inventions (Clive) and black on black (Urs on QL). ,-)

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