Op Fri, 04 Mar 2011 13:10:02 +0100 schreef Marcel Kilgus

Bob Spelten wrote:
So this brings back another Sprite question, what is the current limit for pointer sprites?
The maximum I could make was a line of 64 characters or 384x10 (or 12?)

The maximum for pointer sprites is I think 64x64 = 4096 pixels.

Any more and SMSQ/E crashed, there obviously is no "out of range"
test for this in GD2.

Usually there are tests for this kind of stuff, but in this case it
could be that they're missing, I don't know.

Now I have limit to stay away from to avoid crashes.
BTW. The routine I used was from Per Witte and is on the Utilities page of
my website.


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