Billy wrote, on 1/Apr/12 21:29 | Apr1:
On 01/04/2012 17:40, Lee Privett wrote:
Guys, I feel it would be remiss not to mention that owning the book
(which I do) is one thing, however obtaining an electronic version
from somebody else may indeed break copyright especially if the
copyright owner has not yet agreed to this, however I do not know
enough about copyright to positively state one way or the other.

Lee Privett

Agreed Lee
My intention is to put manuals and such that I own onto an ereader.
This may even be unlawfull in Copyright law I don't know to be honest
but I deem it to be OK by my own moral standards (never having been a
... but maybe you have been or are a politician (8-)#
 Journalist,Union leader, Banker, member of the CBI, Clergy
or Police my morals may still have some credance - have I missed anyone)


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