Ian Burkinshaw schrieb:
Sad though this is, I have to say it seems me inevitable this was going
to happen sooner or later. The constant increase in postal rates is self
defeating, the more they go up, the less poeple send. Look at Christmas
cards, card pennies, post 40p, just out of step. I bet we have all cut
back on Christmas cards, for this reason. Many professional producted
magazines are going down the same road to electronic, to keep costs
under control. So we are not alone with this issue.

Yes, very true.

I have also to say writing for QLToday spured me on to write my hardware
articals. It was a focal point as a publication and deadlines. Without
deadlines we all go I will do that next week, then is two weeks and so
it goes on and it never gets done.

Very true as well ... :-)

Cheers   Jochen

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