On 11 Feb 2014, at 16:17, Ralf Reköndt <ralf.rekoe...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Or have a look at the TK3 sources. There, you could set (in the old TK2 way) 
> a "DDOWN test", where a "BOOT" was located and LRUN FLP1_BOOT and all files 
> were able to find other files, even in the (old TK2 way) subdirectory "test". 
> That worked perfectly. Files in the root were always be able to be located 
> with i.e. "FLP1_\FULL_NAME".

Some time ago went through the source code for TK3, cutting out the parts that 
- for me at any rate - did not work. Nowhere did I see coding which would get 
round the problem of filename size. But perhaps I missed it!


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