On 14/05/2014 12:31, j...@sinoda.demon.co.uk wrote:

I had planned to attend Edinburgh, not to give a talk, but to gain information and learn. However, as I seem to fit all the criteria that Geoff has mentioned, I am happy if it is considered that I am not the target audience for QLis30.

If the plan is that everyone must give a talk, as I do not have a talk planned I will not attend, but I still think the show will be fascinating and I wish you all the best.

You are the sort of person we want at Edinburgh. You don't have to give a talk, but you have something valuable to contribute. I just don't think there is a role for A&E at the event.

Let me say that the 2012 Quanta AGM was when I decided that I would never go to another Quanta show. It was a two day event with nothing whatsoever planned on the Saturday. I spent most of the time wondering whether I could quickly devise a presentation and not having my original material with me eventually gave up and left the show early. (My QL project at the time was the Just Words! QL mapping page that I had felt was too much of a minority interest for a show presentation.)

The next day there were two events planned, George Gwilt and Adrian Ives. I was impressed that Quanta managed to get Adrian to the show as his work was the hot topic of the time. Both presentations were badly attended - about half the people present stayed at their tables instead. After his talk Adrian gave a live demonstration at his table. There were just 6 of us interested.

At the end of a show the committee had a post mortem. What was their answer in 2013? A carbon copy of the 2012 event!

Best Wishes,


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