Anyhow, that said, let's focus on the event before us! We have a freshly
organized event by freshly enthused people with a fresh international
audience. This requires a fresh approach. :)

The A&E stall is a non-starter for a couple of reasons: one, most people
will be quite capable of repairing their own QLs, and 2: if someone DID
bring a sick QL and ask for help, I am sure they would get it - without the
formality and wasted space and effort of a formal table.

I know several people have offered talks, and I am one of them. I am
working on a series of topics, and a small slideshow. I will be showing it
in proto form at the Italian get together that is happening this weekend,
and I will keep it updated as things develop. I'm sure by the Edinburgh
show, I will have quite a lot to show.

Sorry I haven't been around the last couple of weeks. I got surprised in a
dark alleyway by a bout of pneumonia and it almost had me. I'm getting
better now and will be posting more regularly.


On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Geoff Wicks <>wrote:

> On 14/05/2014 12:31, wrote:
>> I had planned to attend Edinburgh, not to give a talk, but to gain
>> information and learn. However, as I seem to fit all the criteria that
>> Geoff has mentioned, I am happy if it is considered that I am not the
>> target audience for QLis30.
>> If the plan is that everyone must give a talk, as I do not have a talk
>> planned I will not attend, but I still think the show will be fascinating
>> and I wish you all the best.
> You are the sort of person we want at Edinburgh. You don't have to give a
> talk, but you have something valuable to contribute. I just don't think
> there is a role for A&E at the event.
> Let me say that the 2012 Quanta AGM was when I decided that I would never
> go to another Quanta show. It was a two day event with nothing whatsoever
> planned on the Saturday. I spent most of the time wondering whether I could
> quickly devise a presentation and not having my original material with me
> eventually gave up and left the show early. (My QL project at the time was
> the Just Words! QL mapping page that I had felt was too much of a minority
> interest for a show presentation.)
> The next day there were two events planned, George Gwilt and Adrian Ives.
> I was impressed that Quanta managed to get Adrian to the show as his work
> was the hot topic of the time. Both presentations were badly attended -
> about half the people present stayed at their tables instead. After his
> talk Adrian gave  a live demonstration  at his table. There were just 6 of
> us interested.
> At the end of a show the committee had a post mortem. What was their
> answer in 2013?  A carbon copy of the 2012 event!
> Best Wishes,
> Geoff
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