Chapter 15!?

On 9 November 2017 at 00:03, Bob Spelten via Ql-Users <> wrote:

> Op Wed, 08 Nov 2017 21:05:55 +0100 schreef Per Witte via Ql-Users <
> I was just made aware of a number of features in Q-Lberator that I havent
>> seen documented anywhere: EXT_PROC, EXT_FN, GLOBAL, and possibly others. I
>> believe I have a general idea of what theyre about, but should like to see
>> some documentation. Ive been told there is a chapter 14 in some manuals?
>> The two pdf manuals I found online, one of them claiming to be of V3.36,
>> dont mention these keywords, and my printed one is altogether of an older
>> vintage.
>> Anyone?
>> A version of the manual is at Dilwyn's download site.
> < >
> I just did a quick check of the .pdf against my original 3.36 printed
> manual and everything including chapter 14 is there.
> However chapter 15 (Release 3.3 Enhancements) from my copy is missing from
> the .pdf.
> I'll try to scan this asap.
> Bob
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