At 02:50 ìì 31/1/2001, you wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Phoebus Dokos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [ql-users] QPC2v2 again
>And between us, if a software developer like say "Just Words" finds out
>that most of his programs are sold for QPC equipped PCs why shouldn't he do
>the sensible thing and transfer those to a PC natively as they would run
>faster anyways.... and he could reach a bigger audience?
>For the record JUST WORDS! products sell to all types of QL users, from
>original black boxes + (S)GC's via QXL's, QPC and Q40's. Also with QDOS,
>Minerva, SMSQ and SMSQ-E as operating systems! The main request I got from
>users was for pointer environment and high resolution screen compatibility.
>I learnt what I know about computing the Sinclair way via a ZX81, Spectrum
>and QL. I even learnt the fundamentals of MS-DOS from DP's Solution and
>Conqueror. I am grateful to Sinclair for helping me to stay abreast of the
>modern world. Why should I move to the PC world? At the moment I would not
>know where to begin in programming a PC.
>I often say "Small is beautiful" in connection with the QL. I know most of
>my clients personally and that's the way I like it. It is nice to see the
>reaction of people when you have incorporated their suggestions in a
>Geoff Wicks

Hehe I kind of anticipated this email Geoff (although I don't know you 
personally I do admire your work).
It wasn't directed to you directly but yours was the first name to come in 
my mind.
Of course generalizations cannot be applied and I understand that, 
nevertheless, (and this is directed to everyone) that
if market potential could be generated, programming one or the other 
machine doesn't really matter.
I do agree with the "Small is beautiful" concept. And what I want to say in 
the bottom line is that we need to support more native hardware.
Of course it is right to support emulation. Agreed. It provides a sensible 
alternative (as I mentioned elsewhere) to many occasions.
But do the sensible thing and put native hardware first... else it's 
buh-bye QLie ;-)


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