I also want to mention another aspect of Emulation as well.
Emulators are supposed to completely "simulate" the native hardware.
However QPC doesn't do that with the latest QL hardware (which is the Q40).
In this aspect we are driven towards a complete separation. My belief is 
that QPC should completely incorporate
all the features of a Q40 so it could be used as a development system for 
Q40 on other platforms (and of course) provide a sensible alternative to 
those that cannot have one (as mentioned above). The whole QL scene could 
benefit from that. What is the sense of say writing a game which makes use 
of the SSS if QPC cannot use it? And what about hi-colour modes. Why 
shouldn't they be compatible across SMSQ/E systems that share similar 
If more than one factors of incompatibility occur, the more difficult it 
would be to have hi-end programs for SMSQ/E-QDOS. Isn't that going to 
finally take its toll to the QL scene?

Just my two cents of course but....


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