Norman Dunbar writes:

> I've had QPC2v2 for a few days now and I am not having problems when I do
> JMON 0 as you are.

Ok, so its probably a local issue. I can use eg JMON 24 to debug another
job, but it
crashes in the same way as JMON 0 soon as it hits a breakpoint. Makes
finding out whats going on rather awkward :(

> My version is (right click the exe and select properties, then the

Same here (and QPC_VER$ = 2.00)

> I haven't played around much with the colour drivers yet, but it does look
> 'strange' to have my move and resize icons showing in a pale blue colour

In your boot file try something like:

  IF VER$(1) >= '2.98' THEN
    r = $FF0028: g = $FF64: w = $FFFFF0
    PALETTE_QL 0, 0, 0, r, r, g, g, w, w

Gets rid of most of the psychedelia.

> Thanks for the pointer to JMON though - this is very useful - why isn't
> there ever any docs on this stuff ? (Or can someone point me at some ?) I

QMON/JMON, (Qjump) should have come with a manual when you bought it. A
great little (de)bugger, and the only one to have stayed compatible with
QDOS development throughout - or until now, perhaps ;)

Thanks for your input,


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