dave westbury writes:

> Next version of Photon can also be used like EX filter (or from BASIC
> Input channel passed can be FS or serial and output FS, serial or window
> (ie. from BASIC  OPEN#3;ser : OPEN#4;scr_100x100a50x50 : PHOTON #3,#4).

In certain situations it might be worth caching jpegs as pics. Perhaps a

PHOTON filename$, address, mode%, x_size%, y_size%

or something, might be a good idea? Anyway, good work.

Regarding multi-frame pic standards, you are probably best placed to know
whats needed. You might as well enjoy that groovy Microsoft feeling of
setting the standards all by yourself. (However, as opposed to Microsoft, 
youll derive little benefit by keeping them all to yourself ;)


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