Unless I am mistaken what wolfgang has got is lightning special edition
which in its complete form consisted of several modules several to speed
up screen handilng and another to speed up the the floating point
operations sin,tan,exp etc in basic.They are both redundant under SMSQ
,the scren spedd up modules will refuse to load ,the maths routines are
redundant under minerva whose maths routines arejust as fast. I do have
the manuals in electronic format, I purchased the DP collection and hence
have a zipfile containing the manuals. I think distributing the manuals
might be bit dodgy copyright wise without DP's permission , that is if
they still have the publishing rights, but if you want them I could email
them to you. 

David Gilham

The universe is not only queerer than we think but queerer than we can

On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Wolfgang
> Wolters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >Hi folks,
> >
> >yesterday I received a module for the Ql called "Special Lightning". Does anyone 
> >has some Docs of this module?
> I believe that I do, somewhere, as it was a Digital Precision production
> that I purchased at the time that it was sold.
> However, like all DP documents it is likely to be quite long :-(  Anyone
> converted it to computer format ?
> Its purpose is to speed up certain QL operations, hence the 'Lightning'
> name.  Useful on older QL's if you do not have TK2, Turbo Toolkit, or a
> ROM like Minerva.  Otherwise I believe it is now redundant ?  Anyone
> know ?
> -- 
> Malcolm Cadman

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